
Tips for Maintaining the Liposuction Results

Yes, beauty is important to us - whether we want to admit it or not. The only difference is how much physical appearance affects our lives. Unfortunately, while some will lose the extra weight by eating properly and doing moderate exercises, others will have to undergo surgery to achieve the similar results. Cosmetic surgery has long become a normal part of our lives, and its development never stops to amaze us.Liposuction is a common cosmetic surgery which has been specifically designed to remove unwanted and excess fat from your body using suction technique.
This surgical procedure is most commonly used to remove fat from areas like thighs, abdomen, arms and buttocks. In these areas of your body, fat deposits are more prone to build up. But what is perhaps even more important is how you behave and what you do after the surgery so you can enjoy its results.

Recovery from Liposuction 

The overall length of the recovery period after the procedure will depend on the size of your body’s area from where you want the fat to be removed. It is quite normal to expect some discomfort after your operation.

During the recovery period, your body tissues will reform and adjust. Your doctor will provide some prescription painkillers once your anesthesia wears off. If you require further relief from your pain, some over-the-counter medication can be effective. In case of continuous or severe pain, you should seek immediate medical advice. 

Mild burning sensation is also normal in the treated areas. You will experience such sensations up to one month after the procedure. Not to worry though - all such sensations will normally subside as your body heals and gets better. You will be able to notice the full effect of liposuction in 3 to 6 months. Although unwanted fat cells have been removed from your body, there is a possibility for new fat cells to accumulate.

Maintaining Results of Liposuction

Eat Small Meals - It is important to eat small meals throughout the day. If you eat nutritious meals, your energy level will be stable. It will also reduce the risk of overeating or stuffing your stomach during the next meal. When you eat small meals, your body is also able to absorb and digest the food properly. Thus, it utilizes all the calories efficiently without turning them into fat. Most importantly, you won’t have to starve yourself.

Keep Yourself Hydrated - Drinking lots of water makes sure your body is able to flush out toxins and cleanse your system. It also keeps hunger at bay. According to experts, drinking water is also good for your digestion, and boosts your metabolic rate.

Low Fat Diet - Low fat diet combined with lean protein snacks can help you ward off excess pounds and also be in overall great shape - physically and mentally. You can add skim milk, turkey, low fat yogurt and other low fat snacks to your diet. These foods will not trigger weight gain.

Regular Breakfast - Most people don’t realize the importance of breakfast. If you skip your first meal of the day, you will feel hungry throughout the day. This may cause overeating during the next meal. People who eat regular breakfasts are able to lose weight quickly and even stay in good shape. A nutritious breakfast in the morning makes sure you don’t eat unhealthy foods in the later part of the day.

Green Vegetables - Eating a lot of green vegetables on a regular basis can be a good choice to sustain your liposuction results. Green vegetables, like broccoli, spinach and kale are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients. They also contain a good amount of fiber and minerals. With more fiber in your diet, food moves slowly through your digestive tract. Therefore, you don’t feel hungry.

Regular Workouts - It is very important to follow a regular workout regimen. With regular exercise, you will feel more energetic and fresh. This can be one of the most effective weight management strategies. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the gym, you can indulge yourself in walks, yoga, some cardio exercises, and so on. Exercising on a regular basis will boost your metabolic rate and you will be able to burn unwanted calories.

When you’re looking to sustain your liposuction results, you should definitely consult your surgeon. He will be able to give you some sound advice regarding post-operative care and maintenance. The surgeon may also provide some nutritional counseling. In order to stay in good shape, you just need to focus on a nutritious diet and healthy workouts.

Author Bio: Lana Wilde enjoys sharing her knowledge about beauty and health related issues. She blogs from time to time about cosmetic surgery, but those who would like further information on this.

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